إعلان أول الموضوع

أجمل المصطلحات والعبارات الانجليزية

سابق عصره: -a head of his time. 

في آخر وقت : -at the eleventh hour. 

في وقت قريب : -in no time. 

ينهي العمل : .Let 's call it a day-

على آخر لحظة: in the nick of time. -

-Time is money.

Time heals all wounds.-

- only time will tell.

Rome wasn't built in a day.-

-A stitch in time saves nine.


Brainchild.: فكرة وليدة عقل إنسان-

Brainteaser.: لغز-

Brain drain.: هجرة العقول-

Brain storm.: عاصفة دماغية( فكرة مذهلة)-

Rock your brain.: فكر ملياً-

Brain wash.: غسل دماغ-

No-brainer.: فكرة لا تحتاج التفكير-

Tax your brain.: فكرة تتطلب التفكير كثيراً-


-Change your mind(decision).

-it never cross my mind.

-out of your mind: crazy.

-keep in your mind.

-keep an open mind.

-give sb a piece of your mind: tell sb you are very angry.

-I have a lot on my mind.

-to take your mind off.

-put your mind to sth. 

&Book @ Read:

-a bookworm: read a lot.

- read your mind.

-Do something by the book.

-Don't judge a book by its cover.

-read between the lines.

read too much into them.: لا تعطيها أكتر من حجمها-

-an open book.

- I know him like a book.

-on the same page.


out of sight out of mind.-

-lose sight of some thing: ex:

Getting more and more involved in life 's matter makes us lose sight of the ultimate aim we were created for worshiping Allah almighty.

-keep in touch with: stay in contact.

-lose some body 's touch: lose ability or skill to do some thing.

-stop and smell the roses.

smell a rat : to feel that sth wrong about a situation.:بلش الفار يلعب بعبي-

-left a bad taste in my mouth.

-in poor taste: his jokes are in poor taste all the time.

- loves the sound of his own voice.


-You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

-Don't cry over spilled milk.

-Don't bite off more than you can chew.

-I 'm in a pickle.

A hard nut to crack.-

It 's my cup of tea.-

Worth his salt.-


-saved it for a rainy day \ put some money away.

-has his head in the clouds.

-in a fog(adj).

-fair-weather friend(adj). 

-stormy relationship.

-on cloud nine.


Feel it in my bones: Intuition.-

-pulling your leg \ I 'm just kidding.

-go in one ear and out in the other.

-go hand in hand.

-your hand full.

-sth in sb 's hand.

-getting out of sb 's hand.

-give a big hand.

-keep sth on your hands.

-sit in your hands.

-have your hands in sth?


-Laundry list: a set of job or tasks.

-Iron out: solve a little problem.

-Clean house: remove unnecessary sb or sth.

-Sweep it under the rug.

-Doesn't wash: add up.

-Don't wash your dirty linen in public.

-Mop up : to deal with a final part.

-Comes out in the wash.

Hang sb out to dry. -

-take people to the cleaners.


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